Tsar's Cup 1938 - Sofia


Goals time table




24 July 1938 18:30
Levski, Sofia
Third round

OSK Atletik-Slava `23

OSK Atletik-Slava `23


13 July 1938 18:30
Levski, Sofia
Second round


OSK Atletik-Slava `23


6 July 1938 18:30
Levski, Sofia
First round



Nº Name App Min Sq Goa Assi S/o
- Vuchko Yordanov 1 75′ 1 - - 1
- Georgi Anachkov 1 90′ 1 1 - -
1. Todor Dermonski 2 180′ 2 - - -
2. Spas Pashkurov 1 90′ 1 - - -
3. Georgi Balakchiev 2 180′ 2 - - -
4. Lyubomir Petrov 2 170′ 2 - - 1
5. Borislav Vitoshki 1 90′ 1 - - -
6. Mihail Bushev 1 90′ 1 - - -
7. Dragan Kraynichanec 1 90′ 1 - - -
8. Lyubomir Angelov 2 170′ 2 3 1 1
9. Georgi Pachedzhiev 2 180′ 2 - 1 -
10. Benjamin Astrug 1 90′ 1 - - -
11. xx. Dimitrov Vtori 1 90′ 1 - - -
  • App - number of matches during the season. in brakets is displayed matches played as sub
  • Min - number of minutes played during the season. if no other information the match is calculated as two halfs by 45 minutes
  • Sq - number of matches that the player was on starting eleven on or on the bench
  • Goa - total goals scored by the played. in brakets is displayed how many of those are from penalties
  • Assi - total assists made by the player
  • S/o - times sent off